Enumerating The Eight Wellness Dimensions And How They Improve Health

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By understanding the eight essential dimensions of wellness, a person can attribute each dimension to different aspects of life, making existence more meaningful.

To you, what is wellness? How does it shape your humanity? What do you think are the different factors that determine a person’s overall well-being?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), wellness is defined as the state in which the body and mind are in optimum mental and physical condition. This means that even though a person does not manifest any physical illness but shows signs and symptoms of a psychological disorder, he or she cannot consider oneself as being well.

Wellness is not merely the omission of stress or illness.

Furthermore, SAMHSA identified eight types of wellness dimensions that focus on efficiently coping with life and strengthening relationships.

The eight wellness dimensions are as follows:

  1. Emotional
  2. Environmental
  3. Financial
  4. Intellectual
  5. Occupational
  6. Physical
  7. Social
  8. Spiritual

Elaborating each dimension

  1. Emotional dimension

This is defined as the dimension focusing on managing a person’s emotions constructively, contributing to thriving friendships and loving relationships. People will be able to respect and understand their own attitudes, feelings, and values. This enables confidence and resiliency.


  1. Environmental dimension

This pertains to a person’s awareness of how their actions affect their surroundings as well as how the environment contributes to the person’s general well-being. Aside from connecting yourself with the environment, demonstrating great concern and commitment to a healthier surrounding thereby decreasing the causes of its degradation is carefully thought of.


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  1. Financial dimension

Having a state of financial security and freedom, this dimension helps people to minimize apprehensions regarding financial stability. According to  Dr. Samantha RodmanAccording to the media, mental health should be equivalent across various socioeconomic classes. However, when you are struggling financially, it can have a very real effect on your mental and emotional functioning.” Some of the options considered are the management of finances, setting up a plan, dodging debts, and cutting down on gratuitous expenses.


  1. Intellectual dimension

Recognizing and exhibiting one-of-a-kind talents for a person to be creative, and further utilizing your skills and knowledge to enrich mental health is this dimension’s focus. People who foster unique intellectual disciplines start to build intellectual health. Those who can concentrate on this wellness dimension will find themselves having enhanced memory, exceptional critical thinking prowess, and superior concentration.


Source: Unsplash.com


  1. Occupational dimension

Regarded as possessing a deep sense of fulfillment with the current choice of business or organization, the occupational dimension is associated with balance regarding creating friendly work relationships, leisure, and stress management. One of the goals for this dimension is having work suitable for you and finding meaning in it.


  1. Physical dimension

Bound by physical activities, physical dimension is mainly centered on strategies to attain a healthy lifestyle, well-balanced meals, and sufficient sleep. Engaging in different forms of recreational exercises and at the same time decreasing the severe health issues by getting rid of the risks maintains a person’s physical welfare. In addition to that, “Exercise can be used as a stand-alone treatment for some mild-to-moderate conditions or, more effectively, in conjunction with other mental health treatments” says Christina Hibbert, Psy.D.


  1. Social dimension

People are sociable being. We interact with one another in numerous ways. The social dimension of wellness is focused mainly on the feeling of belongingness and accordance with the point of maintaining a stable and secured support network.


Source: Pexels.com


  1. Spiritual dimension

In helping a person find the ultimate meaning of the existence of life, one must relate deeply to their morals and beliefs. This can be done through activities that replenish the soul like meditation, self-awareness, and prayer.  Substantial spiritual wellness is evidenced by having a great deal of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. “Other than those who seek out faith-based counseling, it is common for psychotherapy clients to perceive that psychotherapists address mental health issues and that members of the clergy are the ones to address religious and spiritual issues.” says Jeffrey E. Barnett, Psy.D., ABPP.


Adversities of wellness dimensions

Though wellness can be achieved through different dimensions, there are also numerous variables that might upset its effectiveness. One of which is the lack of a steady support system, chronic health issues, substance abuse and trauma.