FAQs About Rural Health Clinics



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There were several points discussed at the 2019 Rural Health Conference. Managing rural healthcare facilities was one of the important topics, and the speaker talked about healthcare regulations and how to protect these facilities from water and pathogen infection. There were various presentations, poster sessions, and workshops from rural health professionals and their teams. Exhibitors also graced the event with their innovative products, services, and resources. The addition of more rural health clinics was also an important topic discussed.

What are rural health clinics?

These are clinics built to increase the availability of healthcare services in rural communities. A rural health clinic can profit, non-profit, or public. The clinic requires that a team approach must be utilized, meaning that there should be an attending physician, nurse practitioners, qualified midwives, and physician assistants – and they must be 50% staffed all the time. The RHC is also required to provide basic lab services and outpatient medical care services.

What are some things to consider prior to becoming an RHC?

It might be helpful to complete a financial assessment to see if becoming a legit RHC is a possible option. this will depend on the various services and payers provided. Sometimes, Medicaid provider options are better in RHCs. When assessing for financial feasibility, look at the bigger financial picture instead of the individual patient visits.


KEDOUGOU, Senegal - Dr. Mbayang Ndiaye Niang (center), a faculty member at the University Cheikh Anta Diop's Medical School and a technical advisor to the Senegalese Minister of Health, and U.S. Army Major Amal Chatila, (left) a nurse with the 91st Civil Affairs Battalion, Fort Bragg, N.C., tend to a patient during a Medical Civic Action Program conducted in a community near Kedougou, Senegal. Looking on is Ibrahima Tounkara, the primary health care provider for the community. Planned and conducted by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa's Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara, in cooperation with national, regional and local health officials and community leaders, the program provided basic health care to nearly 1,000 men, women and children living in an area stricken by recent flood waters. (Photo by JSOTF-TS Public Affairs)

Source: africom.mil


What is the difference between an independent RHC and a provider-based RHC?

An independent RHC is owned by a private entity and is a free-standing facility. It can be operated by a bigger healthcare system but has not qualified or have not applied for provider-based status. Over 50% of independent RHCs are owned and operated by clinicians.

A provider-based RHC, on the other hand, is connected to or part of a nursing home, home health agency, or a hospital that currently participates in the Medicare program. This type of facility operates under the professional supervision of that particular organization. Most provider-based RHCs are owned by hospitals.



Steps In Preventing COVID-19 Infection

The spread of the Coronavirus is rampant in every country’s communities. The disease spread mainly from one person to another through respiratory droplets where the virus gets produced from a person’s cough and sneeze. The droplets can spread through the nose, mouth, or hand of people who are nearby the carrier. It can be inhaled directly into the lungs due to its remaining particles in the air near the infected individual. Since there is no cure for the disease yet, it is essential to take steps in lowering the risk of the Coronavirus infection.

Here Are Some Things You Should Do

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Wash Your Hands Often – Washing your hands is always one of the best ways to lower down the risk of getting any kind of disease. For the Coronavirus, it is a preventive measure that not only ensures clean hands but also keeps the most active part of the body safe from germs. But note, you should rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. You must use soap to remove the stuck up particles in your hands, then rinse it with water thoroughly. You can also use hand sanitizers in case there is no soap and water available. But be sure that the sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol in it.

Source: pxfuel.com

Cover Your Mouth – Be mindful to cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough and sneezes. If you don’t have one with you, use the inside of your elbow if you can manage to. For the face mask, only wear it if you are sick and around other people, especially the elderly. But you can also cover your mouth with a mask if you need to help and take care of someone who is sick. Also, try to learn the proper wearing of the surgical mask as it is essential to understand its function in reducing the risk of the disease.

Source: pxfuel.com

Clean And Disinfect – Always prioritize cleaning and disinfecting all the surfaces that get touched frequently. Use a disinfectant that kills germs, even the smallest ones. If cleaning and disinfecting take up a lot of your time, you can also consider limiting your access to a particular spot or item. This way, you can only focus on cleaning the important locations and things in the house. But remember, be sure to clean and disinfect the ones you are not going to use before you keep it away. It best to be safe than sorry.

Practice Physical Distancing – It might be too difficult to distance yourself from another person, but taking extra time to put effort into avoiding physical contact can go a long way. You should avoid close contact with individuals who are experiencing symptoms of the disease. When you get exposed to a carrier, immediately quarantine and observe yourself for possible signs of infection. If you think you have the disease, if possible, schedule a test in the nearest hospital.

Source: peakpx.com

Follow Home Quarantine Protocols – It is significant to understand the value of home quarantine in a pandemic situation like this. That is if you are sick and not sure if you are a Coronavirus carrier. Do not roam around the streets or get close to the people in your house since the possibility of you infecting others is alarming. Only allow yourself to go outside with the exemption of seeking immediate medical care. Be responsible and discipline yourself to follow safety measures.

If you experience any signs and symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, immediately consult a health care provider. That way, you can get additional steps to protect yourself from getting worse, and your loved ones from getting infected.

What Is Self-Medication And Why Do People Self-Medicate?

Hand, Human, Woman, Hands, Elderly, Self-Reliance

Source: pixabay.com

The 2017 Health Conference primarily focused on outbreaks of diseases. There was a discussion on the typhoid fever situation among students in an Indonesian school. The causes, symptoms, and the size of the outbreak was also talked about by researchers, clinicians, and health professionals. The tuberculosis outbreak in the Western parts of Indonesia was also one of the essential topics of the conference, as Indonesia is on the top ten list of the most incidences of TB worldwide. Lastly, the topic of self-medication practices among students, teens, and adults alike.

What is self-medication and why do people self-medicate?

The conventional meaning of self-medication is “the consumption of drugs and other home remedies on one’s own will or from another individual’s suggestion without seeking help from a qualified physician.” Self-medication is a typical practice as it is a kind of self-care for our mental and physical health. Self-medicating for small injuries like wounds, minor headaches, and mild types of pain may help alleviate the burden of our healthcare system. Thus, it is a usual practice in most states of America.

However, the risk with self-medication arises when people medicate themselves even when their conditions are more serious, specifically mental health conditions, which demand proper treatment from a medical professional. Instead of going to a psychiatrist or therapist for that, most people use over-the-counter medications and supplements, sometimes with other substances like drugs or alcohol. These will most likely lead to the development of new conditions.

Reasons For Self-Medication

There is minimal positive outcome with self-medicating for mental health conditions, and what’s worse is that it may even potentially increase the likelihood of worsening the symptoms. But for these people who self-medicate, that rationale may be pushed aside. And if you come to think of it, most of the reasons are understandable. These are:

  • They are afraid to get treatment because of the negative stigma.
  • Consulting a doctor and getting treatment for a mental health condition is expensive.
  • Some people are scared to accept their condition.
  • They are afraid of the ill side effects of the targeted medications.

A doctor and couple talking : Free Stock Photo

Source: freestockphotos.biz

All these may not make sense to other people, but it is vital to try somehow to understand and consider these people’s reasons. If you are trying to help someone who is practicing self-medication to cope with his mental health disease, be empathic and compassionate. This way, it will be easier to guide them into getting the proper treatment.



Career Counseling; All You Need To Know

Counseling: Career Cycle – All You Need To Know About Career Counseling

What could career counseling entail, and how does it work for your profession? What is the process of counseling for a career that makes it work?

Somehow, in the middle of your career, you have found yourself going through an endless career cycle, uninspired and uninterested in your current career. It could be – “When you don’t feel like going to work, or you are emotionally drained at the end of the day. If the feelings have overcome your life, you might be suffering from depression. I recommend you go through counseling to rule out depression, but career burnout can be just as devastating,” says Marcia Reynolds Psy.D.

If you sense that you are unhappy about your new career path, you could rekindle that burning passion with career counseling programs with a counselor. According to the assessments of the National Career Development Association, a survey made by Gallup reported that about 51% of career people were not wholly engaged in their career, meaning that these employees cannot find the essence of their profession and do not feel adequately invested in what they’re doing in their careers.

Career Counseling: Exploring the Profound Impact, Personal Growth

Career counseling serves as a valuable resource for individuals at various stages of their professional journey. Learn more on how it can help with growth and development.
Source: pixabay.com


If your developing career or education means a lot to you, there are factors you can do to rekindle, find, and achieve that passion and spark that you once had when you were starting your career. You can opt to go through career counseling services, where a one on one conversations with a career counselor can assist and support you.

Career counseling can help an individual gain and work on new knowledge and skills, which is better for excelling in a career. Professionals or counselors work, determine, identify, and analyze most of the client’s range of skills, abilities, education, resources, confidence, and personality traits to find a career that will be a good fit as well as rewarding.

Career coaches can help students understand their professional path with all the elements of career exploration planning, including understanding the job search process and figuring out what to expect in the right career fit. Once a student has identified some potential careers during job search, the career counselor can provide them with career information resources and give them some ideas of majors and education paths to pursue in order to land their dream job.

This is all about helping people improve their jobs. The career counselor provides career guidance and assistance to individuals with concerns about achieving their career goals on the right career path. Counseling for your career works for practically anyone, individuals with an educational degree considering a career change, or even students who are about to graduate and looking for their first job. Before you could even consider changing careers, stop for a moment and give yourself time to decide to reconsider and talk to a career counselor.

Career Cycle – Things That Career Counseling Suggests:

DeclutterFind Meaning In Everything You Do

During the process of career counseling with career counselors or career coaches, mental health decluttering has a way of psychologically clearing your mind from unnecessary things. Visible clutter on your office desk will only distract you from your career task and not help your brain focus on what should be accomplished. A clear mind can help you with professional development and effective decision making more. People find it easier to think when you have a clear mind with life balance as well.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., concluded that “Clutter is often an insidious and seemingly harmless outgrowth of people’s natural desire to appropriate their personal careers with possessions. The field advises that when clutter becomes excessive, it can threaten to physically and psychologically entrap a person in dysfunctional home environments.”

Find Meaning In Everything You Do

Without meaning, you will find yourself unmotivated with your career and everything. “Creating meaning in your life comes from throwing yourself whole-heartedly into your choices, doing the footwork,” said Rachel Fintzy Woods, MA, LMFT. Counseling for career principles recommends always thinking of the reasons why you are doing what you do in the first place; this is where career development comes into place.

Whether it’s for skills, expertise or personal, or career development, you always need to give yourself a reason to keep moving forward. If you remind yourself of the reason for staying, it’ll uplift your enthusiasm and make you further invested in your career.

Take Full Advantage Of Benefits

Counseling for career benefits is essential piece that are included in your compensation. By maxing out on these career services, your job interests will change into a positive one. Orient yourself on the different career benefits and values that your company offers and get the most out of it.


Source: thebluediamondgallery.com

Career Counseling

In this highly competitive economy, it’s hard to find a new career, let alone land a job service that you find interesting and suitable for your skill set and career experience. There are far less drastic career options than quitting which can reignite the fire within you and convince you to pursue your current job. Try counseling with a career counselor for your growth.

Talk with a Career Counselor and start the rewarding lifelong process of finding the perfect career. There’s a whole lot out there for you to see and explore, and with the right help, you can decide and find your ideal future path in no time at all.

Frequently Asks Questions On Career Counseling

What Happens In Counseling For Career Sessions?

What Are The Steps Of Counseling For A Career?

What Is The Importance Of Counseling For A Career?

What Is The Difference Between Career Coaching And Counseling For A Career?

Who Needs Counseling For A Career?

What Are The Main Objectives Of Counseling For A Career?

What Can A Person Anticipate From A Session In Counseling For A Career?

At What Age Can Someone Be Qualified To Go To Counseling For A Career?

How Many Major Career Fields Are There?

Why Do People Seek Counseling For Their Careers?

What Is The Example Of Counseling For A Career?

What Does Career Mean In Counseling?

What Is Career Counseling Right To Benefits?

How To Do Career Counseling?

Which Is The Best Career Counseling?

What Are The Important Skills For The Career Counseling?

Therapist Views On How People’s Work-Life Balance Is Being Disrupted


Source: creative-commons-images.com


Who wouldn’t love to have a successful work-life balance? Here’s the thing: there are routines that you do which sabotage your yearning for equilibrium.


Therapists conclude that people would’ve had a better chance with work-life balance if they only knew what they’re doing wrong and are aware of the reasons why they keep crashing and burning. What exactly are these things that prevent a person from achieving work-life balance?


Ambiguous Understanding Of What Work-Life Balance Means

To you, what does work-life balance mean? Often, you would get answers such as unplugging, doing hobbies, or indulging in things or activities that are relaxing after a grueling workweek. Though this idea is correct, it’s merely a little part of the broad, inclusive definition of work-life balance. Come to think about it. If the majority of those who work consider work-life-balance as hobby-spending ideation, then they can easily set aside an hour or two to fulfill this yearning.


A weekend getaway can be associated with unplugging; although, with the presence of technology in everything a person does, it’s entirely unrealistic to expect that work-life balance can be attained by merely disconnecting. As Gary Gilles, LCPC said that, “Most people spend enormous amounts of time on trivialities that are unnecessary at the moment.” As for those who have discovered how to merge these two, they are more inclined to have increased recovery when their professional and personal lives collide.


Source: pixabay.com


Improper Management Of Time

When it comes to spending one’s time, people always have a choice. One of the primary reasons why people become more neglectful of relationships or are continually running in late is because time management is not appropriately executed. With that, you must re-evaluate your priorities, learning to say “no” when needed, and delegating every nonessential that does not conform to your work-life balance definition.

For example, “If you look at your home life and map out all the successes that do not necessarily involve work, it can enable growth in appreciation for life outside of work.” said Jaime L. Kurtz, PhD, “This could possibly lead for a desire to strive for a better work-life balance.”


Passing Up On Vacation Leaves

Due to the workaholic nature of the majority, especially the millennials, being chained to their environment and forfeiting days of vacation because of the guilt of utilizing them happens quite often. As Melody Wilding, LMSW stated that, “An all-encompassing career is difficult to balance alongside caregiving duties, which makes things difficult for many women, people of color, and baby boomers. By fostering workaholism, companies miss out on an opportunity to strengthen their teams (and profits) with diverse leadership.” Think of it this way – you have vacation days because your work wants you to have them and use them to be rejuvenated so as not to get burnt out and become inefficient or afflicted.


Disregarding Symptoms

A dull headache or poor quality of sleep can be as it is, but there are times that symptoms you feel are part of a more extensive health problem. Chronic head, neck, and shoulder pain or constant sleep disruptions are early warning signs that your body is experiencing a malady. If these symptoms keep persisting and are worsening, the most appropriate thing to do is to seek the advice of medical experts.


Feeble Communication

When you have a personalized and transparent identification of work-life balance, it’s appropriate to share with other people what your goals are. Frank discussions of objectives for the following weeks or years are vital. Feeble, inadequate communication of intentions or goals with other people, like family or friends, will only result ina shaky follow through. It is advisable not to keep these thoughts to yourself and be diligent in sharing your specific needs with other people to avoid regression while ultimately cultivating and practicing work-life balance.


Neglecting Psychological Issues

According to a report, there are about one in five adults who struggle with mental illness in the United States alone. The moment people neglect their psychological health, relationships will suffer, as well as overall work performance. There are a lot of indications that signal disregard for mental health and one of them is irritability coupled with exhaustion, lack of motivation, and weak relationships. For those who are experiencing psychological symptoms, they have to convey concerns with people they trust and must set aside precious time for counseling and daily self-care.


Source: flickr.com


Conclusively, you alone have the power to attain work-life balance. Persisting on having a keen and precise perception regarding the lifestyle that you are creating is essential. And remember, having a work-life balance is a choice that is entirely dependent on you.


Psychiatrist Warns Destructive Effects Of Stress On The Brain


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While others are considering stress as part of daily living and is something that should just be powered through, psychiatrists say otherwise. There are a couple of things that occur when your brain experiences stress and they are alarmingly scary.


When anxiety and stress get out of hand, your brain takes a lot of beating. How bad does it take?


Stress Increases Your Risk For Depression

Constructing on previous research that realizes habitual stress prevents the creation of neurons inside the brain’s hippocampus, scientists at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have conducted studies on mice.These scientists have found out that if put under increasing and endless amounts of stress, brain neurons weren’t formed and the brain was unable to regenerate. More importantly, the brain exhibited symptoms leaning towards depression.


The scientists concluded that the findings are congruent with the thought that depression is brought about by stress, and exposure to stressful occurrences can precipitate the condition. Ben Martin, Psy.D. stated that, “Such stressful events may include a serious loss, a difficult relationship, trauma, or financial problems.”


Source: .pixabay.com


Stress Disables Proper Learning Function

Inside the hippocampus, there lie the neural stem cells. Neural stem cells are structures that become neurons and are responsible for memory and learning. However, when chronic stress is experienced, neural stem cells are instead transformed into oligodendrocytes that cover myelin. Myelin is an insulator that, when in excess, perturbs the harmony of timing and communication along the circuitry of the brain, altering connection of neurons with one another. This finding is based on the study conducted by Berkeley’s University of California.


Conclusively, these abnormal changes upset cognitive function, which includes emotional and mental well-being and acquisition of information. Consequential alterations happening during myelination have caused neurological problems that potentially contribute to mental illnesses such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety.


Stress Is A Catalyst For Stroke

Increased stress levels increase a person’s risk to develop stroke. In a survey provided to a number of different adults, which involved questions about mental factors like depression and stress, it was found that people who were chronically stressed have undergone a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or what is also known as stroke. Some of the reasons for chronic stress would be money, relationships, vices, eating habits, and unhealthy lifestyle. Psychological attributes are equitably essential as much as conventional risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure, and so on.


Stress Shrinks The Brain

Life events that induce anxiety including family problems, death, divorce, or financial instability can significantly affect the grey matter located at the medial prefrontal layer of the brain that is responsible for handling emotions and self-control, researchers at Yale University stated in 2012. The aggregation of life’s stressors creates a more challenging scenario for individuals to deal with impending situations that create stress.


Source: pixabay.com


Calming The Stress Down A Notch

While stress is unavoidable, it can be dealt with effectively. How can you calm the storm within that does much damage to the brain?


  1. Exercise

Many great things have been said regarding exercise. If you’re not a fan of doing rigorous activities for the sake of healthier brain function, you can opt for simple solutions like walking for 30 minutes or so, daily. Experts consider exercise as an effective stress-buster that can offset destructive brain responses and lessen neural impairment. According to Sarah Gingell Ph.D.  “The idea that physical exercise might do something really fundamental for mental health is less immediately obvious—especially given the Western distinction between “mind” and “body” that implies mental and physical health can be separated.”


  1. Sleep

This cannot be emphasized enough but sleeping at least six hours a day is really helpful for warding off stress and promoting proper brain activity. Sleep is essential in controlling stress hormones so stick to your sleep plan and make your room more conducive. According to Jann Gumbiner Ph.D.  “ Sleep has restorative power and evidence shows that sleep enhances memory and improves attention. Sleep is not an option. It is essential.”


  1. Know That Stress Is Reversible

You can shoo away stress from your life; this is a fact that you have to remember. All you need to do is identify what stresses you out and do something about it for your brain to generate new neurons normally.


By realizing that stress is reversible and that the brain can naturally recover from painful experiences, it now depends on you to make positive changes in your life to beat impending consequences caused by stress.



8 Wellness Activities To Do With Your Partner Today 

Overall wellness is a life-long journey that requires consistency, commitment, and determination. Wellness is a process; it is not something that is achieved overnight. Traditionally, wellness has focused on just physical and mental health. Now, we have the eight dimensions of wellness that encompass our lives. These eight dimensions are a staple part of our lives, and we must understand that each one can impact the overall quality of life. 


Source: pxhere.com

  Continue reading 8 Wellness Activities To Do With Your Partner Today 

Reasons Why Wellness Leads To Stronger Relationships 

As stated by the World Health Organization, wellness is not just the absence of diseases or illnesses. Wellness is an active process. When you decide to take your journey to wellness, you actively seek awareness and make decisions that will lead to a healthy and fulfilling life. It is more than just a healthy body. It is a healthy mind, body, and soul.  


Source: pxhere.com

  Continue reading Reasons Why Wellness Leads To Stronger Relationships 

Couple Goals: Fulfilling The 8 Dimensions Of Wellness Together 

Being in a relationship is not all about the first dates, flowers, chocolates, and all the romantic hullabaloo. You will realize soon that being in a relationship entails much more aspects of your personality than just your heart’s desire.  


Source: pixabay.com

  Continue reading Couple Goals: Fulfilling The 8 Dimensions Of Wellness Together