Navigating The Path To Mental Wellness: Understanding And Treating Mental Health Issues

Human health isn’t just the physical body anymore — it has physical, mental, and emotional aspects. However, mental health is still relatively new to most people compared to the general knowledge of physical health.

There’s a gap in general knowledge when it comes to mental health. Many people might be able to study and qualify for performing some medical tasks like basic first aid and CPR. However, few people know what to do when it comes to mental health issues — and most people probably won’t recognize a mental illness when they see one.

Recognizing Mental Health Issues

It can be very difficult to recognize if someone has a mental health issue or not — are they just a grumpy person, or is it a sign of something more significant and harmful to them. We might think, “That’s just the way they are!” but in truth, some things that we might think are just personality traits might indicate a severe mental health issue. The person themselves might not be aware of it.

Symptoms and Signs

Some things to watch out for in your friends and loved ones might include:

  • Feeling sad or irritable for a long time
  • Being continually afraid or worried
  • Swinging between two mood extremes, such as extreme happiness or depression
  • Withdrawing from social events or friends and family
  • Being constantly tired or fatigued
  • Feeling paranoid, or talks about things that don’t exist
  • Being unable to overcome everyday problems or stress
  • Difficulty understanding other people
  • Substance abuse
  • Unhealthy eating habits

However, it’s crucial to understand that these symptoms can manifest differently in each individual. Few people will have all these symptoms at once. Most people will only have some of them, or have symptoms that aren’t on this list.



Mental Health Stigma

It can be difficult to help someone get mental health treatment due to the stigma surrounding mental health — it’s difficult to admit that you have a problem with your brain or emotions. It’s also not unusual for some people to deride having a mental health problem as “going crazy.”

However, it’s anything but — people with mental health problems aren’t crazy. They have a medical concern that needs addressing. Furthermore, mental health illnesses are more common than most people think: the US Health Department estimates that half of United States citizens have some form of mental illness.

Seeking Professional Help

The stigma around mental health makes it extremely difficult for people with mental illnesses to get the healthcare they need. This stigma is also varied, making it difficult to overcome. The obstacles people face can be anything from social stigma to not knowing what kind of doctor they need.

Pop psychology makes this even more difficult — according to mental health services like BetterHelp, pop psychology can actually perpetuate myths and misconceptions about mental health, making it even more difficult to address.

However, remember that your brain is just as much an organ as the rest of your body. Having a problem with your liver or kidneys would cause you to go to the hospital — and your brain is an even more critical organ.

Finding The Right Doctor

Not all mental health professionals are the same. Just like how there are doctors for different bodily functions — orthopedic for your musculoskeletal system, for example — mental health professionals have specializations as well.

  • Psychologists specialize in communicating with their patients and focus on assisting them using therapy. They might assist someone by employing CBT or other behavioral interventions.
  • Psychiatrists can also help people with mental health illnesses, but their approach often involves medication. They typically handle more complex cases that need medical treatment.
  • Counselors and therapists are often the starting point for someone’s mental health journey. They’re often the first point of contact, but can also provide support for a broad range of mental health issues.

Choosing a mental health professional will depend on what you need, and not everyone responds the same way to treatment. Some people benefit significantly from CBT, for example, but it might have no effect on another person.


Understanding Treatment Options

Treatment for mental health issues is not one-size-fits-all. It’s a personalized journey, often involving a combination of different methods. It’s best ask mental health professionals questions about what you need and the types of mental health treatment approaches there are. Everyone’s problems are different. Some might do with mental health medications, but other treatments might be needed.


One of the primary forms of treatment for a mental disorder is psychotherapy, also called talk therapy. This type of therapy is what’s most well-known in the public eye — it involves talking to health care providers and a mental health professional about your problems, thoughts, and feelings.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy for mental disorders works by helping a person understand why they behave a specific way, then taking actions to retrain themselves or manage their mental health problem.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that helps a patient change negative thought patterns, with high rates of success for anxiety disorders and depression. However, CBT is effective for many different mental illnesses.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) helps patients develop coping and mental health management skills.
  • Psychoanalysis looks into a patient’s past to try to discover the reasoning behind why they act or feel a specific way.


Your physical body also affects how you feel and think, making medicating an effective way to handle some mental health illnesses — for instance, anti anxiety medications are effective, as are antipsychotic medications for psychotic disorders. It’s typically used in conjunction with psychotherapy or another therapeutic approach to maximize the effectiveness of both treatments.

Some mental health issues are the result of imbalances in brain chemistry or an excess of one or another hormone. Medications for mental health help balance these chemicals to alleviate the symptoms of a mental illness. Brain stimulation therapies are also effective.

However, people with mental health illnesses should ensure that they’re aware of any possible side effects of medication, and communicate with their doctors about any potential risks.

Alternative Treatment Methods

There are several other methods to manage the symptoms of mental health issues, such as mindfulness, meditation, and art therapy. They’re all effective for managing stress, anxiety, eating disorders, and a host of other problems. They can also enhance the effects of medical and therapeutic approaches, and vice versa.

Lifestyle Effects On Mental Health

Remember, your physical body has an effect on your brain, and therefore, your mental health too. Obsessive compulsive disorder can significantly hinder your daily living, as can post traumatic stress disorder. The unhealthy effects of these disorders can create a downward spiral in your lifestyle, so it’s important to address both the disease and its effects.

Living a healthier lifestyle can have significant benefits when it comes to your mental health, so a holistic approach will help address your mental illnesses.

  • Nutrition: Diet and nutrition, for example, have a significant impact on mental health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and flaxseeds, can enhance brain function and mood. Similarly, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients that can help regulate mood.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity releases endorphins, often known as ‘feel-good’ hormones, which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Even a daily walk or a short yoga session can make a significant difference.
  • Good Sleep: Sleep, often underrated, is vital for mental health. Poor sleep can exacerbate mental health issues, while a good night’s sleep can improve mood and cognitive function. Establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a calming bedtime environment can be beneficial.
  • Stress Management: Managing stress is equally important. Techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. These practices encourage a state of calm and present-moment awareness, which can be incredibly therapeutic.

Support Systems 

No one should navigate the journey of mental health alone. Support from family members and friends is invaluable for a person to treat depression and other types of mental health conditions. They can provide a listening ear, a comforting presence, or practical help. Encourage open communication with loved ones and let them know how they can support you.

Community Resources

Community resources also play a significant role. Support groups, either in-person or online, can provide a sense of belonging and understanding from people who are going through similar experiences. Mental health helplines offer immediate assistance and guidance.

In today’s digital age, online resources and teletherapy have become increasingly accessible. Mental health services administration can occur online, not just in person. These platforms provide therapy and support from the comfort of your home, making mental health care more accessible for those with mobility issues, time constraints, or living in remote areas.

Long-Term Mental Health Management

Managing mental health is an ongoing process. It’s about building resilience and developing coping strategies for the ups and downs of life. Regular check-ins with mental health professionals can help monitor progress and make adjustments to treatment plans as needed.

Coping skills and strategies vary from person to person. For some, journaling helps in processing emotions, while others may find solace in creative pursuits like painting or writing. The key is to find activities that bring joy and provide a constructive outlet for managing emotions.

Treating Mental Health Issues

Managing and treating mental health issues isn’t a one-time thing — nor is it like typical illnesses where you can recover after a few days or weeks of treatment. Treating mental health issues will usually take several months or years, and new concerns may arise from the effects of technology on mental health. Some people may have to manage their mental illnesses for their entire lives. Still, that doesn’t stop people from living happy and fulfilling lives, so long as they’re able to utilize effective treatment and management methods that work best for them.

Remember: your body isn’t just your physical, emotional, or mental aspects. It’s all of them, meaning that caring for one aspect will have benefits for the others. Similarly, neglecting or harming one aspect will damage the other aspects too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is The Best Treatment For Mental Illness?

What Are 5 Ways To Improve Mental Health?

How Do You Get Treated For Mental Health?

How Do You Treat Someone With Mental Illness?

Why Is Mental Health Treatment Important?

What Is The First Line Of Treatment For An Emotional Or

Mental Health Problem?

Why Is Mental Health Treatment Important?

What Is The First Line Of Treatment For An Emotional Or Mental Health Problem?

What Is The Study And Treatment Of Mental Disorders?

What Are The Different Types Of Therapy For Mental Health?

What Are The Different Types Of Therapy For Mental Health?

How Do You Deal With Mental Illness Without Medication?

How Do You Deal With Mental Illness Without Medication?

Can Mental Illness Be Cured?

Is Overthinking Is A Mental Disorder?

What Is The Difference Between Mental Health And Mental Illness?

Digital Dilemmas: Understanding The Impact Of Technology On Mental Health

Technology is everywhere today — there’s no escaping it. Almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket or a computer at home, and by extension, connection to the internet. The digital age has created a society where smartphones and computers are not just tools but extensions of our very selves.

Any new changes we create in society will inevitably have a significant effect on how we think, feel, and act — and that includes mental health too. These devices alter almost everything about society, changing the way we converse, socialize, and connect with other people.

The average adult now spends upwards of 10 hours a day looking at screens, with teenagers often exceeding this figure. This staggering statistic highlights a fundamental shift in how we interact with the world.

What began as devices to enhance productivity and connectivity have morphed into potential sources of addiction. The digital landscape, with its endless streams of content and constant connectivity, presents an array of mental health challenges.

This evolution from necessity to addiction is not just a matter of increased usage. It reflects deeper changes in social norms, expectations, and lifestyles. The omnipresence of technology has redefined what it means to be connected, informed, and engaged. But at what cost?

In general, current spending on mental health within the United States comes out to around $33 per capita — not a particularly large sum. However, technology may be able to make mental health services more accessible to people and their governments.

Positive Aspects Of Technology

Despite potential pitfalls, technology offers numerous benefits. The most obvious is connectivity. In an age where family members and friends are often geographically dispersed, technology bridges the gap. Video phone calls, instant messaging, and social networks help maintain relationships that might otherwise fade.


Beyond personal connections, technology has revolutionized work environments. Remote work, once a rarity, has become commonplace, providing flexibility and work-life balance previously unimagined. This shift has mental health benefits, reducing stress related to commuting and office politics, and offering a sense of control over one’s work environment.

Another significant advantage is the access to information and resources. The internet is an endless well of knowledge, catering to every curiosity and academic need. This accessibility is empowering, offering opportunities for self-improvement, mental well being, and education that were previously limited by geographical and financial constraints.

Moreover, technology has become a vital tool in mental health care. Mental health apps offer resources for therapy, meditation, and mindfulness practices, making mental health support more accessible than ever. These apps provide a sense of autonomy in managing one’s mental health, often serving as a first step for those hesitant to seek traditional therapy.

Technology may also be able to help mental health professionals diagnose and identify mental illnesses long before they become a problem. Augmenting existing health services with AI from a mental health professional may be able to catch up to 50% of mental health illnesses in children — before the illness becomes difficult to treat in adulthood.

But it doesn’t end there — technology has more benefits to offer, particularly due to information-communication technologies:

  • Connectivity and Communication:
    • Maintaining long-distance relationships through video calls and messaging.
    • Professional networking and collaboration through online platforms.
    • Virtual communities for shared interests and support groups.
  • Work Environment Transformation:
    • Flexibility in work hours and location through remote working options.
    • Reduced stress from commuting and traditional office environments.
    • Opportunities for freelance and digital nomad lifestyles.
  • Access to Information and Resources:
    • Online courses and educational materials for self-improvement and combat decreased self esteem.
    • Instant access to global news and events.
    • Digital libraries and archives for research and learning.
  • Mental Health Support:
    • Apps for therapy, mindfulness, and stress reduction.
    • Online support groups and forums for mental health discussions.
    • Teletherapy options for remote psychological counseling.

Negative Impacts On Mental Health

However, the coin of technology has another side, one that casts a shadow on mental health. The paradox of connectivity is one of the primary mental health concerns. While technology connects us superficially, it can foster a sense of loneliness and isolation. The curated lives showcased on social media can lead to comparisons and feelings of inadequacy, exacerbating issues like depression and anxiety.

Information overload is another critical issue. The constant barrage of news, notifications, and updates can overwhelm the brain, leading to increased stress and anxiety. This constant stimulation can disrupt focus and deepen feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction.

The physical impact of screen time cannot be ignored either. Excessive use of screens, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and fatigue. Poor sleep has a profound effect on mental health, contributing to a range of issues, from mood swings to impaired cognitive function. This will prompt the need to improve sleep quality.

Social media deserves special attention in this context. Platforms designed to connect us can often have the opposite effect. The ‘comparison trap,’ where individuals measure their lives against the often unrealistic portrayals on social media, can lead to lowered self-esteem and increased feelings of inadequacy.

This digital landscape, with its complex interplay of benefits and challenges, paints a nuanced picture of technology’s impact on mental health. As we continue to embrace these tools in our daily lives, it becomes increasingly important to understand and manage their influence on our psychological well-being.

Some other problem effects to consider would be:

  • Paradox of Connectivity
    • Feelings of isolation despite being constantly connected.
    • Depression and anxiety stemming from social media comparisons.
    • Cyberbullying impacting self-esteem and safety.
  • Information Overload:
    • Stress and anxiety from constant news and notifications.
    • Difficulty in concentrating and maintaining focus due to digital distractions.
    • Reduced productivity and cognitive overload from multitasking.
  • Impact on Sleep and Physical Health:
    • Disruption of sleep patterns due to blue light exposure.
    • Sedentary lifestyle and its associated health risks.
    • Eye strain and headaches from prolonged screen use.
  • Social Media and Self-Esteem:
    • Negative body image from exposure to unrealistic beauty standards.
    • Social anxiety disorder, eating disorders, and affective disorders from online social interactions replacing face-to-face communication.
    • Dependence on social media for validation and self-worth.

Certain groups are particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of technology on mental health. Teenagers and young adults, for instance, are in a developmental phase where social validation is crucial.

It’s vital to note that smartphone usage in children has increased by 15% in the last few years, with smartphone usage making up more than half of the screen time children experience. As smartphones become cheaper to manufacture, it’s not unexpected that more and more children will have access to these devices.

Social media and the messages that corporations and marketers want to send are everywhere. These messages tend to push a specific agenda, such as the need to have a particular body type or purchase a product, leading to feelings of inadequacy and even depression in children. The brains of children, adolescents, and teenagers are still developing and are particularly susceptible to social media campaigns, which may lead to developing depressive symptoms or, even worse, developing depression.

Children’s development is also profoundly influenced by technology. Early and excessive screen time can impact cognitive development, social skills, and even physical health. For children, the virtual world can overshadow real-life interactions and experiences, which are essential for holistic development.


Conversely, the elderly face a different kind of challenge. In a rapidly digitizing world, many older adults struggle with digital literacy. Older adults who find difficulty adapting to the rapid evolution of technology might not be able to communicate effectively with their families and friends who adapt more quickly, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.

Coping Strategies

Managing the impact of technology on mental health involves setting boundaries and cultivating awareness.

Digital Detoxes

Implementing regular digital detoxes can be highly effective in managing the impact of technology on mental health. This involves setting aside specific times when you consciously avoid using digital devices, such as smartphones, computers, and tablets.

Taking a break from digital devices is similar to taking a vacation from the office or having some alone time. The constant connectivity with other people, media feeds, news, and other things continuously stimulates your brain, which is exhausting. Taking a break also lets you vary your activities so that you can do other things you enjoy.

Mindful Usage Of Technology

Developing a mindful approach to technology involves being more conscious about how and why you use digital devices. This strategy includes setting clear intentions for technology use, avoiding mindless scrolling, and being aware of the content you consume. Mindfulness helps you take control of your technology use. Instead of creating a technology addiction, you set boundaries between you and your gadgets that let you define how they fit into your life.

Establishing boundaries for screen time, especially during evening hours, can significantly improve mental health. This might involve setting specific times when devices are turned off (like during meals or before bedtime), using app limiters to control the amount of time spent on certain apps, or designating tech-free zones in the home. These boundaries help prevent overuse and encourage healthier, more balanced daily routines.

Engaging In Alternative Activities

Counteracting the effects of technology involves actively engaging in activities that do not involve screens. This can include physical exercise, outdoor activities, hobbies like painting or cooking, or simply spending time in social interactions that don’t involve technology. These activities not only provide a break from digital screens but also support mental health through physical activity, creativity, and social connection.

Wrapping Up

It’s not just people who have to manage the negative effects of technology on their lives and mental health — the responsibility is on the shoulders of companies and corporations too. The designs they create and release to the market should prioritize the well-being of users rather than trying to drive unhealthy engagement for the sake of profit.

Augmented and virtual reality systems also create a slew of problems in mental health. However, they might also create opportunities. Such services, when used correctly, might allow people to access mental health services from a distance while creating a near-realistic sense of companionship or aid.

On the other hand, they might further exacerbate isolation and other mental health problems. Again, the corporations and companies in charge of developing these technologies must study and anticipate the effects they might have on people, so that instead of treating mental health issues, we can prevent them. There won’t be even a need for mental health treatment.

All new technologies create change — and the coming of the digital age is just as disruptive as previous developments, such as the Industrial Revolution. Our lives are irrevocably changed by ICTs, so we have to be responsible about how we use them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How technology is affecting mental health?
How will technology help mental health in the future?
How can technology contribute to youth mental health?
What is the role of information technology in mental health?
How does technology and social media affect mental health?
How technology affects mental health speech?
How can we protect our mental health from technology?
How does technology benefit the brain?
How to improve mental health?
How does technology affect depression?
How does technology affect anxiety?
How does social media affect mental health in the future?
How does social media affect mental health in the future?
How can social media promote mental health awareness?
How can you help take good care of your mental health around Internet usage?

Incorporating Self-Care Techniques into Your Daily Routine with the Help of a Therapist

Self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and balanced life. It includes the practices that we engage in to take care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. However, many of us struggle to incorporate self-care techniques into our daily routine, either due to lack of time, knowledge, or just a lack of motivation. The good news is that with the help of a therapist, you can learn how to create and sustain a self-care routine that works for you.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care refers to the activities and practices that individuals engage in to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional health. It includes both preventative measures, such as getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet, as well as activities that address specific needs or concerns, such as therapy or stress-management techniques. The goal of self-care is to promote overall well-being and prevent burnout or other negative health outcomes.

Why Self-Care Matters

Self-care is essential because it helps us to take care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being, which in turn allows us better to handle the stresses and demands of daily life. Without proper self-care, we are at a higher risk of burnout, illness, and other negative health outcomes. Additionally, when we engage in self-care activities, we are better able to cope with stress, feel more energized, and experience more positive emotions.

Creating a Self-Care Plan with the Help of a Therapist

One of the biggest challenges to incorporating self-care into our daily routine is knowing where to start. A therapist can help you create a personalized self-care plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Assessing Your Needs

The first step in creating a self-care plan is to assess your needs. Your therapist can help you identify areas of your life where you feel the most stressed or unsupported. Together, you can identify specific self-care activities that will address these needs, such as yoga or meditation to help with stress management, or therapy to address emotional or mental health concerns.

Setting Realistic Goals

The next step is setting realistic goals for incorporating self-care activities into your daily routine. Setting unrealistic goals can be demotivating and make it harder to stick to a self-care plan. Your therapist can help you set goals that are challenging but achievable.

Developing an Action Plan

Once you have assessed your needs and set realistic goals, it’s time to develop an action plan. This includes identifying specific self-care activities, determining when and where you will engage in these activities, and setting a schedule for incorporating them into your daily routine. Your therapist can help you create an action plan that works for you, taking into account your schedule, lifestyle, and preferences.

Sticking to Your Plan

The final step is sticking to your plan. One of the most challenging parts of incorporating self-care into your daily routine is staying motivated and consistent. Your therapist can provide support and guidance to help you stay on track, overcome any barriers or challenges, and celebrate your successes.

Examples of Self-Care Techniques

There are many different self-care techniques that can be incorporated into your daily routine, but some examples include:

  1. Physical self-care: This includes activities that promote physical well-being, such as exercise, yoga, or massage.
  2. Emotional self-care: Activities that focus on managing emotions, such as therapy, journaling, or mindfulness practices.
  3. Mental self-care: This includes activities that promote mental well-being, such as reading, puzzles, or learning a new skill.
    1. Social self-care: This includes activities that involve social interactions and connections, such as spending time with friends and family, joining a group or club, or volunteering.
    2. Spiritual self-care: This includes activities that focus on connecting with a higher power, such as prayer, meditation, or religious practices.
    3. Creative self-care: This includes activities that involve expressing oneself creatively, such as painting, drawing, or writing.
    4. Relaxation self-care: This includes activities that promote relaxation, such as taking a bath, listening to music, or practicing deep breathing.

    It is important to note that not every self-care technique will work for everyone, and it’s essential to find self-care activities that resonate with you and that you enjoy, that way, you are more likely to stick to them and make them a part of your daily routine.


    Self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and balanced life, but many of us struggle to incorporate it into our daily routine. A therapist can help you create a personalized self-care plan that addresses your specific needs and goals and helps you learn how to make self-care a consistent part of your life. By assessing your needs, setting realistic goals, developing an action plan, and sticking to your plan, you can learn how to create and sustain a self-care routine that works for you. Remember, self-care is not a one-time fix. It’s a lifestyle. With a therapist’s help, you can make it a habit and enjoy the benefits for a lifetime.

Navigating Daily Life with a Therapist by Your Side

Navigating daily life can be tough. There’s work, family, friends, and all those little things that seem to pile up and make us want to pull our hair out. But what if I told you that there’s a secret weapon that can help you make it through all of that? A therapist. That’s right, folks. A therapist is like a superhero, but instead of fighting crime, they fight against your anxieties, insecurities, and general feelings of being overwhelmed. And let me tell you, they are damn good at it.

What Does a Therapist Do?

When you have a therapist by your side, you’re not alone in tackling the obstacles that life throws at you. They’re there to listen, to offer advice, and to give you a new perspective. They’re like your own personal life coach, but with a fancy degree and a couch. And, unlike your friends and family, they’re not going to judge you or hold your secrets against you. They’re paid to keep your secrets and you’ll be surprise how much weight comes off your shoulders when you start sharing them.

But wait, isn’t therapy just for crazy people?

Now, I know what you might be thinking. “But wait, a therapist is for crazy people, right?” Wrong. Seeing a therapist doesn’t make you crazy. It makes you smart. We all have things that we’re working through, and it’s totally normal to need a little extra help. Plus, let’s be real, therapy is a lot more pleasant than committing a crime and getting locked up in jail.

“So, what exactly do they do?” you might ask. Well, it depends on the therapist and the issue at hand, but generally, they’ll listen to you talk about your problems and help you come up with ways to solve them. Sometimes they’ll give you homework, like keeping a journal or learning new coping mechanisms. They may also challenge you to think in a different way about your problems or give you a different perspective. It might sound simple, but trust me, it can be life-changing.

Common Daily Issues That Therapy Can Be Helpful

Therapy can be helpful in addressing a wide range of issues that can arise in daily life. Some of the most common issues that therapy can be helpful with include:

  1. Stress and anxiety: Daily life can be stressful and anxiety-inducing, and therapy can help individuals learn coping mechanisms to better manage these feelings.
  2. Depression: Therapy can be an effective treatment for depression, helping individuals understand and manage their feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
  3. Relationship issues: Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a family relationship, or a friendship, therapy can help individuals work through conflicts and improve their relationships.
  4. Trauma: Therapy can be a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced trauma, whether it’s in the form of a single event or ongoing experiences.
  5. Grief and Loss: Losing a loved one, a pet, a job, or a friend can be difficult to cope with, and therapy can help individuals work through their grief and move forward.
  6. Low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence: Therapy can help individuals recognize and overcome negative thought patterns and build healthier self-esteem and self-confidence.
  7. Career and job-related stress: Many people struggle with issues related to work and career, therapy can help individuals deal with stress, job loss, and other career-related issues.
  8. Personal growth: Even if individuals don’t have a specific problem or issue, therapy can be beneficial for self-improvement and personal growth.

It is important to note that therapy can be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the individual, and a therapist can work with you to identify the areas of your life that you would like to focus on in therapy.

A Judgment-Free Zone

The best part is that therapy is a judgment-free zone. You can talk about anything and everything, and your therapist will listen with an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude. That is a luxury you will not get in your daily life. They’re like a bartender, but instead of serving drinks, they serve up empathy and understanding.

Giving Therapy a Try

But don’t just take my word for it. Give it a try for yourself. Go to a therapy session and see how it feels. You might be surprised by how much better you feel after just one session. It’s like getting a massage for your mind. And just like with a massage, it’s not a one-time fix, therapy is a journey and you will benefit more the longer you stick with it.

In Conclusion

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by daily life, don’t give up just yet. Give therapy a try. With a therapist by your side, you can tackle anything that comes your way. Plus, you’ll have someone to talk to about all the crazy things your friends and family do. It’s a win-win situation.

Seeing a therapist isn’t just for the “crazy” people. It’s for anyone who needs a little extra help navigating the challenges of daily life. A therapist can offer a fresh perspective, practical solutions, and a judgment-free space to talk about anything and everything. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t give up just yet. Give therapy a try and see the difference it can make in your life. Remember, “A problem shared, is a problem halved.”

Therapy can be a powerful tool for navigating daily life. A therapist can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to discuss your problems, offer new perspectives, and provide practical solutions. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, give therapy a try and see the difference it can make in your life. And don’t forget, it’s okay to have a sense of humor and laugh with your therapist.

Emotion Focus Therapy For Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is felt by everyone once in their lifetime. However, teenagers and adolescents coping with it result in depressive symptoms, substance abuse, alcohol addiction, and social general psychological functioning difficulties.

EFT was developed by Dr. Leslie Greenberg, a distinguished researcher and a research professor at York University. He has received the distinguished research career award from the International Society of the American Psychological Association. EFT is based on the idea that emotion plays a central role in our lives, and it emphasizes the importance of practical emotional experience over cognitive self-understanding. The American Psychological Association also provides valuable guidelines and standards for various psychological therapies, including EFT.

Read more and find out how emotion-focused therapy really works and helps people out with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Emotion-focused therapy has been shown to be effective with clients who have generalized anxiety disorder. In an exploratory study of clients reported with generalized anxiety disorder, the present study found that those who received sample client-therapist dialogues fared better than those who did not.

General Anxiety disorder can be felt by everyone once in their lifetime.

Emotion-focused therapy used for generalized anxiety disorder, also called focusing-oriented psychotherapy,  deals with clearing emotional blockage through focusing. It is an awareness practice that allows an individual to perceive bodily sensations of his feeling. This way, mental health professionals can address your issues, whether it be generalized anxiety disorder or any type of mental health problem, and help both relational aspects.

Emotion-focused therapy is a type of experiential psychotherapy that measures focusing helping people heal deep-rooted emotional pain and develop more adaptive ways to overcome maladaptive emotional schemes, facilitating emotional change. Based on the psychotherapy research of mental health practitioners, Emotion-focused therapy is based on healing therapeutic relationships, describing specific therapeutic exercises and in-depth experiential tasks.

“Anxiety is a reaction to a situation we perceive as stressful or dangerous,” Monique Reynolds, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist.

What Is Therapy And How Does It Help You?

Anxiety disorders do not occur instantly. It is usually a combination of different happenings in an individual’s life. Here are some examples of where it starts:

  • Transitioning from a student to a working adult
  • Illness of a person close to him
  • Fear of separation from a partner, friend, or family
  • Problems in school
  • Transforming emotional pain
  • Painful emotions
  • Being bullied

When people experience these kinds of problems, it usually results in stress.

This severely debilitating disorder is characterized by panic attacks, stomachaches and headaches, emotional transformation, problematic emotion schemes, being uncomfortable in social situations, and experiencing unwanted thoughts and sensations. “You feel very much the way you do when in a dangerous situation…[but] there’s no real danger there,” clinical psychologist Robert Duff, Ph.D. says. If this happens, your disorder is not healthy.

EFT has been found to be particularly effective for treating mental health issues like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which is a highly treatment-resistant disorder, with maladaptive coping mechanisms, and intense feelings. Its objective is to counter negative treatment and provide profound emotional change as attested by distinguished research professor emeritus and mental health practitioners.

Ways an emotion-focused approach helps solve your GAD:

trying emotion-focused therapy for general anxiety disorder
  • First, your therapist asks if the client notices which parts of her body are affected once the mental disorders are experienced. It could be felt in their stomachs (whenever they feel butterflies inside), arms and legs (numbness), and chest (whenever their heart constricts). In some cases, they may feel it all over their body. This kind of embodied understanding is called “felt senses.”
  • The client is asked to process his/her physical sensation bit by bit. They may describe it in detail, attach an image to portray it, or find the right names for appropriate definitions.
  • Once processed, clients are assisted in making deep contact with the feeling of uneasiness. Deep contact refers to acknowledging the sources of your disorder, feeling the pain of these sensations, and identifying the factors that can ease it. This slow journey allows the bodily sensations to naturally shift into a deep inner resolution.

How Is It Different?

EFT or experiential therapy treats a patient as the center. It is one of the most recognized psychological treatment options for mental disorders like anxiety, according to the American Psychiatric Association. Therapists are available to guide all clients in processing inner feelings. Such professionals do not come up with interpretations of patients’ feelings or offer advice on how to overcome it.

Also, emotion-focused interventions do not adopt practices of other classic mindfulness approaches. This studied therapy allows all clients to experience any pain in their bodies to resolve it, as compared to acknowledging it and letting it go afterward, which is what the traditional mindfulness practice does.

EFT is an emotionally focused therapy that uses specific therapeutic exercises. Clients eventually learn to process the experiential aspect approach through an emotion-focused treatment. By helping clients maintain lasting coping mechanisms, they can avoid pervasive anxiety and employ EFT methods effectively.

EFT is an emotionally focused therapy that uses specific therapeutic exercises for generalized anxiety disorder.

This kind of approach caters to individuals experiencing darkness in their lives. In a good therapeutic relationship, therapists will not direct them to the light. Rather, their respective therapists will hold the lanterns that can guide them in finding paths to deep inner resolution.

You can also do this at home, as a self-help coping mechanism, before going to treatment for overcoming emotional avoidance, protective anger, the effects of technology on mental health, and other mental health disorders’ helpful and unhelpful aspects. “The other most effective thing we can do when we need to calm the nervous systems and our physiological threat response is to calm the breath. Controlled breathing has been shown to activate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system which can help turn off the threat response,” according to Alicia H. Clark, PsyD.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the idea of the 3 3 3 anxiety rule?
  • What are the stages of learning EFT?
  • Is generalized anxiety disorder curable?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is not typically considered curable in the sense of complete eradication, but it is highly treatable. With the right combination of therapy, medications, lifestyle changes, and support, many individuals with GAD can effectively manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. In addition to therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotion-Focused Therapy for generalized anxiety disorder may also be beneficial for addressing the emotional aspects of GAD and helping individuals develop healthier emotional responses.

  • How can you distinguish EFT from CBT?

EFT, also known as emotion-focused therapy, primarily targets improving emotional bonds in relationships and encourages the expression of emotions, while CBT focuses on changing dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors through cognitive restructuring and behavioral techniques. EFT emphasizes emotions and relationships, often used in couples therapy, while CBT has a broader application, addressing various psychological conditions by modifying cognitive distortions.

  • Which one of the psychological therapies is best for generalized anxiety disorder?

The choice of the best psychotherapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) varies among individuals. While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a common first-line treatment, therapies like ACT, EFT, MBSR, IPT, and DBT can also be effective. Consulting with a mental health professional is essential to determine the most suitable psychotherapy based on individual needs and preferences.

  • What are the two cognitive techniques that are utilized for managing GAD?
  • Can cognitive behavioral therapy effectively treat GAD?

Yes, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD. It equips individuals with practical tools to identify and challenge anxious thoughts, manage excessive worry, and develop coping strategies. CBT helps individuals regain control over their anxiety and lead more fulfilling lives by addressing the cognitive and behavioral aspects of GAD.

  • Is EFT a branch of cognitive behavioral therapy?
  • How long do assessing emotion-focused therapy sessions for GAD take?
  • When do you see positive changes or treatment implications in EFT?
  • What type of therapy is best for GAD?
  • What are EFT interventions for anxiety?
  • How do therapists treat GAD?
  • What are some tips for overcoming GAD?
  • How can I control my GAD without medication?

Tips And Recommendations For The Mental Wellness Counseling Process

Emotional Support Counseling

Perhaps you sometimes know what makes other adults happy. 

Mental wellness counseling in group. There are five happy people raising their hands.

Most of them want a stable life, a complete family, according to experts, lots of friends, a successful business, a great career, awesome relationships, stable financial status, etc. But when you think about it, these simple things can be attainable. Some people are struggling in dealing with personal and family issues and getting a mental or cognitive wellness counseling appointment, while others can take in the process swiftly. Below are our essential mental wellness counseling tips to help you start coping and get support in your life.

Tips And Recommendations For Mental Health Counseling

Value The Meaningful Conversations

It is not always that you need to connect with people dear to you. So when you get a chance, grab the opportunity and be real. Express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, and do not hold back. Allow yourself to feel more comfortable talking about things that scare and worry you, be it life transitions, past sexual assault, or any emotional health issues. For this psych treatment, have the courage to say your perspective and let all the weighing emotions out. You must take a moment, heal, and appreciate your overall struggle, according to mental wellness counseling experts. You should be on the same page with your mind.


Always Avoid Faking Your Smile

Often, you find yourself worried, sad, and agitated at most times. That is because of the uncertainties, as per mental wellness counseling experts, you are dealing with every day. At the time, you have to practice a fake smile to convince yourself to get moving. But according to licensed therapists, a forced smile can be toxic in some instances as it influences an emotional drain and depression.

Deeply Look Through Positivity

Psych/Mental Help

You will become more appreciative of the small things that you often do not notice around you in mental wellness therapy sessions. You will become more grateful for what you currently have. And despite not being able to live a perfect life, your positivity will bring you the type of happiness that can last a lifetime.

Research studies continue to confirm that having a pet or interacting with animals has multiple emotional health benefits that can both relieve and prevent emotional health issues.



Always Remember To Enjoy The Simplicity Of Life

The greatest amount of happiness comes from the simplest moments and experiences in your life. Usually, you don’t realize it, but you know it makes you complete. That is because your focus stays where they are, and you naturally avoid acting on impulsive reactions to some of the things you can’t control. As stated by a Mental Wellness Counseling professional, it can support better problem-solving skills and better decision-making ability.

Just Hold On To Your Passion

The thing that can make you genuinely happy is doing things you are passionate about, according to emotional therapists/counselors. That is because your happiness supports your overall function as you appreciate yourself, including your flaws and inabilities. Even if you feel physically tired, under a lot of stress, and psychologically exhausted, you will still appreciate your effort to try and give your best. Aside from that, when you focus on working on things that bring you so much joy, you wouldn’t feel pressured, according to a mental wellness counselor. A person who is emotionally stable is happy.

Licensed therapists will meet you with compassion and understanding to help you on your journey of personal growth so that you are able to lead a fulfilling and hopeful life. They will equip you with the necessary tools to help you face and overcome challenges and guide you through the process of healing. In no time. You will feel loved.

Learn How To Help People Become Healthy And Balance

Giving back to people will give you a euphoric state that promotes a rewarding impact on your brain. If you need help with your overall well being physical and emotional health, don’t hesitate to try a counseling service. This will help you increase your understanding of whatever crisis you are dealing with, be it grief, anxiety, past trauma, or addiction.


What Is The Emotional Support Therapy?

Emotional support therapy is a service that helps individuals manage life’s challenges by providing contact and emotional support.

What Does A Mental Health Therapist Do?

A mental health therapist helps people with their mental health to improve their overall well-being and find the best ways to cope with challenges.

Is A Mental Health Therapist The Same As A Licensed Therapist?

Yes, a mental health therapist is the same as a licensed therapist who provides mental wellness counseling or counseling services.

How Can One Maintain Positive Quality Of Life?

One can maintain a positive quality of life through stress management, behavioral therapy, and addressing anxiety and depression when needed.

What Is The Purpose Of A Emotional Health Counselor?

The purpose of an emotional health counselor is to help individuals with emotional well-being, such as addressing issues like eating disorders, by providing support and guidance when they schedule an appointment to find the best therapist.

What Qualifications Do I Need To Be A Cognitive Health Professional?

What Are The 7 Areas Of Quality Of Life??

Can Emotional Health Issues Be Cured Or Managed By Therapy?

What Are The Underlying Causes Of Emotional Health Conditions?

How Can You Contribute To Emotional Health Awareness?

What Are The Major Obstacles That Emotional Health Professionals Are Confronted With?

What Is The Meaning Of Emotional Stability?

Why Is Emotional Health Counseling Important?

What Is The Benefit Of Being Emotionally Balanced?

How Can Counselling Improve Emotional Health?

Are You Emotionally Healthy? A Counseling Guide To Mental Wellness

Every individual’s state of mind is complex. Each emotionally healthy and balanced person requires constant progress, which should provide individuals the ability to cope with stressors and life events that often influence negative feelings. They reflect on positivity and mental health wellness. However, it does not mean that emotionally healthy people are always happy all the time. At the same time, being emotional doesn’t mean a bad thing as well. Put it in a way that the people find themselves curious about their thoughts and feelings as they actively engage with their habits and lifestyles. But how can you know and identify optimal psychological wellness? What are the characteristics of emotionally healthy people?


How does one become emotionally healthy? Can being emotionally healthy mean that you have reached optimal emotional wellness and health?

Here Are The Few Signs That You Are Mentally Resilient

You Keep In Touch With Emotion

There’s nothing wrong with keeping in touch with your feelings – this definitely helps one become emotionally healthy. However, clinging too much to negativity can confuse you, making you unable to identify and manage them. And as things become too overwhelming, you eventually get drawn to get upset with almost everything.

Emotionally healthy discipleship is a key part of spiritual maturity. It involves taking time to vigilantly pursue deep rest, investing in the inner constant happiness in life, and cultivating hope from a biblical vision and divine invitation. Christian life and Church leadership play an essential role in helping people break completely free from the traps our culture places on us.

For example, news media agitates. So, it is important to create balanced boundaries with the news. We must be mindful of our own state and the potential for negativity or divisiveness that can come from consuming too much news. Church leaders or pastors have the opportunity to encourage a balanced approach, one where individuals consume only enough news to stay informed while avoiding the worry or fear that can come from an overload of health information.

Thus, you would know that you are emotionally healthy when you:

  • Your are emotionally healthy when you don’t make a big deal out of everything
  • Do not overthink or hold sorrow over the situation
  • Relax and be mindful of the situation
  • Avoid negative self-talk

They Bounce Back From Failure

There’s no certainty in life. And as much as you want to avoid it, you will experience failure like the rest of the people in the world. Failure can discourage you as it makes your goals seem out of reach. Failure can drive you to an imbalance as the things around it work hand in hand with pressure, stress, expectations, and disappointments. But upbeat and optimistic people are filled with faith that Jesus shows them they will get through any crises and valleys and be guided on the right track.

But when you are stable, you deal with failure differently as you:

  • Focus on the things you can control emotionally
  • Reevaluate the situation before acting upon it
  • Put in more effort and not sour grape about the situation
  • Plan and try different approaches
Always choose to be emotionally healthy.

People Adapt To Situations

Believing that everything genuinely happens for a reason is a good thing and a sign that you are emotionally healthy. In fact, it can make you feel less guilty about your decisions in life. It would be good to believe in it because that belief can help you:

  • Healthy people can get through and adapt to situations
  • Appreciate what you gain more than what you lose
  • Allow you to recognize your weaknesses emotionally and mentally
  • Determine the cause of your stressed, anxious, and depressed behaviors
  • Become emotionally aware

You Like Yourself For Who You Are

When you feel good, you appreciate yourself more, even in the worst moments – then you become stable and balanced. This is also a good sign of mental stability. But note that liking yourself does not mean you do not acknowledge the bad things about yourself, but it simply implies you are putting more effort into accepting your flaws rather than overthinking them. Liking yourself means you aim for growth and development and not just stick around with positive compliments. Thus, you can say that you are stable when you:

  • Avoid negative thoughts
  • Don’t self-criticize
  • Exercise self-compassion
  • Don’t emotionally self-sabotage

They Look At The Bigger Picture

Your every decision can cause either positive or negative reactions or consequences. With that, you understand that the only way you can get through the struggles in life is to look at things differently. You will soon realize that you are emotionally balanced because:

  • You can navigate through the difficulty of the problem in a beneficial way
  • You realize the importance of taking action one at a time
  • You solve problems based on mental and expressive intelligence
  • You stay with a positive attitude no matter what
Love yourself as much as you should


Being mentally balanced is an essential part of creating deeply changed other leaders who can effectively carry out God’s vision. It enables us to develop mature disciples with the capacity to courageously face our deepest fears and not be easily dragged down by bad news into a chronic state of anxiety and despair.

By following a discipleship pathway that encourages emotional health, we can build strong and balanced individuals who are no longer shaking beneath the surface by life’s tumultuous whims, share keys to the door of success, and overcome the gravitational pull of hopelessness, which can happen easily.

So, you must practice self-reflection to incite struggles and higher self-awareness of your mental and expressive wellness. Be critical and honest about how you feel, that’s the key when it comes to emotional health and mental health.

A well state of mind is a journey that begins with understanding one’s relationship with Christ and the world around them. In the Christian tradition, this often begins in our local churches, supported by any pastor who is able to provide spiritual guidance and hopes to help individuals grow.

Be resilient and develop a wholesome and realistic plan that can carry you through tough times. Because in some unfortunate instances, you won’t be able to handle your expressive strength, especially when life brings you too much pain. Remember to trust God yourself and the process of becoming mentally balanced because you deserve better. People with poor emotional health can still improve, it is never too late to change your life for the better.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does A Person Take Care Of His Inner Harmony?

Why Is It Essential To Keep Your Inner Harmony At Bay?

How Are State Of Mind And Well-being Connected?

What Are Some Ways To Be More Mentally Resilient?

What Are Some Examples Of Being Mentally Resilient?

How Can Other People Impact Us Mentally?

What Are Some Factors That Affect Well-Being Mentally?

How Does The Positive Or Negative State Of Mind Affect One’s Physical Wellness?

How Is Human Behavior Influenced By Their Mood?

Is Motivation Improved With A Good State Of Mind? In What Ways

What Does It Mean To Be Mentally Resilient?

What Is The Importance Of Mentally Resilient

How Do You Become Emotionally Stable?

What Are The 5 Characteristics Of Emotionally Healthy People?

How Do You Stay Mentally And Emotionally Fit?

Frequently Asked Questions About Extreme Holiday Depression

There is nothing wrong with stress, as I may point out. Stress is a good thing because it keeps you pumping. It allows you to get things done, helps with your mental alertness, and even makes you understand your best life decisions. So why do most people see it differently than I do? Well, I learned things the hard way. As much as I want to look at stress positively, there are still moments in my life when I hate everything about it. Holidays, such as special occasions, are one moment I can think of that stirs up a rollercoaster of emotions and releases some built-up stress inside of me. People often experience symptoms of depression during these times.

Most times, I just need to calm down and relax for a little bit when I am stressed out. That is how I manage my unwanted anxiousness, which is crucial for my mental health. I can say I am pretty good at that coping strategy, as it immediately helps me regain my composure. However, I still feel depressed and mentally exhausted when dealing with stress, especially during the holiday season. Yes, holidays make me feel like I am about to lose myself due to the many things I need to worry about, which can exacerbate my affective disorder. There’s food, holiday decorations, gifts, window shopping, and a lot more.


So you think that this season is all about relaxation? Well, hell no! Holidays are about pressure, realistic expectations, unrealistic expectations, and unlimited errands. You might disagree with me on this, but I certainly know that in the back of your mind, you are also having second thoughts about how you realistically picture this holiday season, especially considering the challenges that can arise due to mental illness or the importance of finding support from alliances such as the Alliance on Mental Illness.

The Hard Truth

The truth is, holiday sadness or depression is real, and it affects me more than I want to admit. I have experienced it for many years, and it has become a part of my routine. I often feel lost and lonely during this time of the year, as it reminds me of all the things that I don’t have and all the people who have left my life. This feeling of holiday depression is something that the National Alliance on Mental Health understands well.

It started with the long shopping list and the pressure to find the perfect gift. I would spend hours looking for the right gift, but I could never seem to find what I was looking for. I felt like I was in a never-ending cycle of searching, and I was often exhausted by the time I found a suitable gift. This exhaustion sometimes feels like a symptom of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which can make the holiday season even more challenging for those who experience it.

Celebrating Doesn’t Make It Better

The next struggle was the dinners. I was always so excited to show up to the dinners and catch up with family, but I would often find myself in the corner, not talking to anyone. I was uncomfortable and anxious to start a conversation, so I would keep to myself. I felt like everyone was so busy with their lives, and nobody had time for me.

This season also brought on feelings of guilt. I was constantly feeling guilty for not having everyone in my life. I was reminded of the people who were no longer around, whether it was due to death or a disagreement. It was hard for me to be happy knowing that I couldn’t share the season with everyone that I wanted to.

The worst part about it was the loneliness. I was surrounded by supportive and caring people who were happy and excited about the season’s cheer, but I was not. I was overwhelmed by the sadness and I felt like I was the only person who was not enjoying the season.

Accepting The Reality

I eventually realized that it was something I could not just shake off. I needed to find ways to cope with it and make the season enjoyable. I started to focus on the positive; I reminded myself of the good moments I had with family and friends, and that helped me to reframe my thoughts. I also tried to give back to the community, whether it was by donating food or clothing or volunteering at a local soup kitchen. Doing small acts of kindness helped me to feel better during the festive season.

I have been managing it for several years now and I have gotten better at it. I still have moments when I feel overwhelmed, but I know that it won’t last forever. I have found ways to make the holiday season enjoyable, and I encourage others who are going through the same thing to do the same. I have learned to focus on the positive and be thankful for all the good moments I have had. I have also learned that it’s okay to take time for myself and not force myself to be in an environment where I am not comfortable. 

With the right mindset and coping strategies, we can make the festivities more enjoyable and find peace within ourselves.

Here are the frequently asked questions about holiday depression that might interest you.

What Is The Most Depressing Holiday?

The event that takes the top of the list is called Blue Monday. It is the name given to a day in January, typically the third Monday of the month. The concept of Blue Monday was first published in a 2005 press release from a certain company, which claimed to have premeditated the probability using a reliable “equation.”

How Do Holidays Affect Mental Health?

This season is the most fun and exciting moment for most people. However, 24% of these individuals living with a mental illness insist that this vacation season makes their health symptoms a lot worse as specific things during this season add feelings of sadness and dissatisfaction. All the pressure of preparation, planning, financial state, and relationship issues makes it harder for individuals to stay well.

What Causes Stress During This Time?

Holiday stress is very common to people, especially those exposed to and fond of social gatherings and preparations. There is the constant requirement to attend every party, the pressure of always trying to please everyone, cramming of buying things at the last minute, the struggle to find the right place to spend with, and a lot more. And when you add the travel, financial burden, and visiting family members, stress can start to pile up all of a sudden.

How Do You Beat The Christmas Blues?

The Christmas holiday season is not that exciting and fun. There are things involved in it that can cause too much stress and anxiety. To beat that pressure, you have to start with a concrete plan for your vacation. Remember not to exert too much effort to avoid sudden disappointments. Be brave to handle all your fears and accept that things sometimes do not go your way. Get active, watch what you eat, always stay positive, be selfless, and perk up your social life.


How Do I Deal With Anxiety During This Time?

Coping with stress during this can be a lot harder than you think. But do not worry. There are ways you can manage those unwanted holiday anxiety. Focus on your health first. Exercise and eat a well-balanced diet. Preparations can be extremely toxic, so make sure you get enough rest from time to time. It would be the best opportunity to consider visiting some of your friends and relatives and spending time with them. Use the calendar to plan specific days for certain important activities such as baking, cooking, shopping, and visiting new friends. But of course, be true to your budget and realistic goals.

How Do You Mentally Survive This Season?

To survive this season with your mental health still intact, you need to consider certain things. First, acknowledge your feelings. If you are exhausted, rest for a while. Do not put too much pressure on things that are not that important. Stick to a budget. Do not force yourself to buy things you don’t necessarily need. Always learn to say no when it comes to damaging routines such as excessive drinking or eating. Do not abandon your healthy habits for the sake of a one-time celebration. If things get out of control, do not hesitate to reach out for help.

What is Vacation Blues?

Holiday Blues refer to the strong feelings of sadness and loneliness throughout the holiday season, typically during November and December. Mental health issues such as depression hit hard after a period of intense emotion and stress. Often, it gets misinterpreted as exhaustion. However, it manifests the same characteristic symptoms of an anxiety or mood disorder, such as low energy, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and anxiousness.

Why Is It Essential To Prioritize Your Mental Health During This Season?

You can do exciting things during this holiday season and often, it can make you feel sad and out of control. So to balance things out, you need to prioritize your mental health to avoid further complications. It would be best to encourage overall health and wellness to maintain a work-life balance. Take advantage of your simple choices and always stick with what’s beneficial for your health.

How Can I Relax During This Season?

This holiday season can be very stressful and toxic. To relax during these days, start with solitude. You can breathe, reframe, and redirect your negative energy to the positive one. You can interact with your family and friends that you haven’t seen in a while get in touch with them and listen to the changes in their lives. Make the holidays a time to strengthen relationships. Go outside, practice intentional gratitude, and reflect.


Final Thoughts

Holiday seasons are still great, do not get me wrong. I am not trying to ruin your outlook over one of the most enjoyable moments in your life. But let’s be honest here. For some people who have many things to do during the holiday season, stress is inevitable. And sometimes, due to certain expectations and failed attempts to make things work, the whole enthusiasm can run off. Therefore, we can conclude that even the most loved holiday season is not exempted from a messy and stressful situation. If you feel mentally and emotionally unstable, contact a specialist for treatment support.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Different Types Of Therapy

Some events in our lives like work stress, breakups, and deaths make us feel anxious and down. For some people, these emotions are temporary; they may bounce back days after the incident. However, some get stuck in the negative emotion and find it hard to move on. Over time they get consumed by these thoughts and beliefs until it takes over their lives and relationships with other people.


Feeling an unexplained sadness that affects daily life can be a sign of anxiety and depression. These conditions may sound grim and hopeless, but several treatment methods can help ease such situations.

Medication can help improve mood, while therapy can help in understanding the condition. Therapists can also help develop healthy coping habits when triggers are present.

Anxiety and depression are not the only emotions that warrant a visit to a psychotherapist. Even irrational fear, or phobia, will benefit from therapy, especially if it affects your health and daily functions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy are the main types of treatment that help people with this condition. 

Therapy can also improve the outcomes of people with schizophrenia, personality disorders, and dissociative disorders. A psychologist can help deal with addiction, sleeping problems, and eating problems. They may also use other psychodynamic and humanistic therapy techniques to improve their thoughts and behavior better.

There are several types of therapy, such as, career counseling or therapy, but the main differences are focus, philosophy, and techniques. For example, psychodynamic therapy focuses on the unconscious and motivation. Meanwhile, humanistic therapy emphasizes developing the individual’s maximum potential. 

Are you researching the different types of therapy?  Listed here are frequently asked questions to help you become familiar with the different types of psychological treatment and how these can help you.

What are the 3 types of therapy?

The three types of therapy include psychodynamic, which focuses on an individual’s emotional and thinking capacities. Behavioral therapy is working more on the actions and behaviors affecting someone’s life. Humanistic therapy aims to understand how the environment surrounding the patient may affect the psychological well-being.

What does a psychological therapist do?

A psychological therapist, more often called a psychotherapist, is a licensed medical practitioner. They are certified and specialized in diagnosing, evaluating, and treating mental health issues, specifically therapy. They may recommend one or a combination of the many therapy types to address the patient’s condition.

What are the 4 types of talk therapy?

Talk therapy refers to a type of therapy where the patient sits comfortably and shares a mental health professional conversation. The four most common types of talk therapy are cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, counseling, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

What is the most effective psychological therapy?

When it comes to the most effective psychological therapy, there is not a single type that physicians, researchers, and other medical professionals would recommend. The effectiveness of therapy varies for every individual. However, numerous studies have shown that among the most common therapy types, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, has the most efficacy in treating mental illnesses over the years.

What is the most common therapy?

Among the three types of therapy, there is a close match between psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy being the most commonly used treatment option. Psychodynamic therapy allows the therapy sessions to be person-centered, focusing on exploring someone’s thoughts and feelings. On the other hand, cognitive-behavior therapy shifts the focus on the individual’s actions affected by disturbing thoughts.

What is the difference between therapy and counseling?

While therapy and counseling share a common goal to treat a person’s problem, specifically a psychological one, these two have some differences. Therapy is usually a long-term treatment option, while counseling only lasts several weeks to a few months.

Counselling also often only targets one specific problem at a time, for example, alcohol abuse. Meanwhile, therapy is much more flexible and digs more in-depth to know more about the patient’s condition.


Do therapists diagnose?

As long as the therapists are licensed and certified, they can make a diagnosis and an assessment. However, they cannot prescribe any medications unless they have taken additional years of specialized training or education.

What can I expect from therapy for anxiety?

People who are thinking of undergoing therapy for anxiety expect that your therapist may also ask you to see a psychiatrist for medications. The goal of anxiety therapies is to help the patient understand the triggers of worries and what to do when that happens. So you can also expect that some of these therapies may expose you to anxiety-inducing situations and other activities.

What happens in a psychology session?

Psychology sessions may seem challenging, especially for first-timers. These sessions usually last an hour maximum but can be shorter or longer, depending on the patient’s need. Generally, your psychologist or therapist will ask you questions, some of which may feel like probing into your personal life but are essential.

How effective is psychological therapy?

The effectiveness of psychological therapy differs in each patient. However, research has found that psychological therapy as a treatment option immensely helps treat many mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and other mood problems. Psychotherapy is recommended as it has fewer side effects and is more cost-effective in the long run compared to medication management.

What type of therapy is best for trauma?

For trauma-related psychological problems, the combination of pharmacotherapy or medication management and behavior therapy is found to work well for the condition. These two types of therapy are usually used for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

What type of psychotherapy is best for anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychological conditions many people suffer from today. Cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT is the most common form of psychotherapy used to treat the disorder. Research suggests that it is also the best form because it also treats panic, fear, and worries.

How do I choose a good therapist?

Choosing a good therapist is a crucial part of therapy. You may start by going to a family doctor and asking for recommendations. You may also do some research online. You have to make sure that your therapist is licensed and certified. It will also be great to find someone who is specialized or an expert in your area of the problem.

What is an example of psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is an umbrella term for all therapy types that discuss your mental problems with psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, or other mental health practitioners. An example of psychotherapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT.

What type of therapy is best for dissociative identity disorder?

Like mentioned before, there is no single best therapy type, generally speaking. The type of therapy, especially for dissociative identity disorder, will depend on the condition’s progression. The treatment approach can range from psychodynamics, cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, and creative therapy, including art or music therapy and even pharmacotherapy.


Emotional and mental health disorders severely impact the quality of your life. It takes away the joy from things you love, and it affects your relationship with other people. So if you notice the symptoms of these debilitating conditions, don’t lose hope because there are treatments available. 

Therapy significantly improves thoughts and behaviors. In particular, the therapist can help identify where those triggering emotions come from. Sometimes, knowing its root cause can help you control your situation and how you react to them.

Moreover, the therapist can teach safe coping mechanisms to better deal with the situation. They can also help you identify your behavior patterns and make you more aware of how you interact with others.

Getting help also minimizes the risk for life-threatening complications that arise from your negative emotions. For example, fear of food or addiction impacts your physical health.

Meanwhile, bad thoughts may push you to try to hurt yourself. Once you begin to notice these unusual symptoms arise, it is best to look for a therapist that can help you. If you are scared to go on your own, ask someone, you trust to go with you on your first visit.

While therapy is often associated with mental health problems, it can also help with stress and emotional management. Additionally, seeking professional help may also strengthen your relationship with other people. 

Lastly, always remember that help is available when you need it. Do not lose hope. You can and will get better, and a therapist can help you get there.

COVID-19 Affect On Health Mentally

COVID-19 effect on our mental health was huge. How did COVID-19 affect the mental health of individuals?

An individual wearing a PPE while cleaning a house

I was planning my annual Spring party when my best friend called and told me that the local government prohibited mass gatherings. When I asked why, she said, “The coronavirus has been spreading rapidly. There are already 200 confirmed cases in this city, and the number is still rising.”

I did not have time to process the situation because we had to go under full lockdown at once. I thought it would end after 30 days, but boy, I was wrong. Hence, here’s how the COVID-19 outbreak affected my mental health.

I Became Paranoid

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, my friends used to say that I could win Ms. Congeniality easily. That’s because I always greeted everyone I met and even treated strangers as if we had known each other for years. As my parents taught me, I had to be gracious to others to receive graciousness as well.

However, pandemic paranoia reigned over me from the moment that I learned about the incurable covid. For instance, I tried going to the supermarket while wearing a PPE, but I could not push myself to step on the ground when I saw five other customers in the store. I was lucky that local stores offered home delivery, but I might have starved a couple of times because I was scared of picking up the groceries outside my door until I was sure that 24 hours already passed.

a lady sitting holding a feather pen while writing on her journal

I Wanted To Stay Isolated Forever

It only took two full months before the city government announced that we could mingle with young people again, as long as we were wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. I got calls from my parents and friends soon after, asking when I would host a party. They had always known that I loved organizing social gatherings, so they thought I would jump at this opportunity to do that.

But that’s where my loved ones were wrong. I honestly told them that I did not feel safe to let anyone in my house while the coronavirus was still lurking. After all, I had no way of knowing who they came across before reaching my place or where they had been in the last 14 days.

This news shocked everyone, especially Mom and Dad. They said they missed me badly, and the feeling was mutual, but I was genuinely ready to stay alone forever, considering it meant that I would not catch the virus.


I Felt Depressed

Of course, depression began to seep in my veins soon enough. Even though I had a firm resolve to avoid my loved ones for a while, I was unhappy about it. I was the most productive while working with the people I cared about; not being around them for God only knew how long it was draining my life force.

Some days, all I wanted to do was sleep. Other days, I could not even close my eyes. I also lost some weight because I felt too tired to prepare my meals three times a day. There was a time when I started wondering, “What’s the point of trying to live when you see nothing but the four walls of the house every day?”


I Began To Wonder If This Was The End

My outlook did not improve when I heard that parks, malls, and other public places already reopened. In truth, I felt more scared than ever as I imagined how fast virus transmission could happen there. While the people kept a distance from each other, there were still elevator buttons to push, escalator or stair handles to hold on to, and chairs and tables to get your hands on. If an asymptomatic individual touched any of them, it would undoubtedly not take long before other people ended up testing positive for the coronavirus. It was as if I was longing for secured health services and public health assurance that the covid 19 pandemic was genuinely over.

As I was thinking of that, I wondered if this was what the Doomsday would look like. I used to laugh at conspiracy theories like that in the past, but what if the theorists had valid reasons to believe it could happen? The thought kept swirling in my head, making me feel crazier than ever. It was at that moment I knew that the COVID-19 affect on mental health required me to seek mental health services for this uncalled anxiety and depression.


What To Do During Covid-19 Pandemic

Hope came back to me when I found out that some Covid-19 vaccines would soon be distributed worldwide. If people got vaccinated, they could not possibly contract the coronavirus and transmit it to others. Then, I would not need to worry about having COVID 19 pandemic and being unable to beat it.

While waiting for the Covid-19 vaccine, I decided to focus on mental health care. I contacted a licensed therapist and asked if he could squeeze me in his schedule. The therapy session took place online, of course, so I did not have to meet him in person.

I had been told that experiencing depression and paranoia, among other things, was understandable while facing a global health crisis. Still, the therapist said that I made the right call when I asked for mental help because the conditions might have aggravated. Otherwise, I might not be around to get that Covid-19 vaccine anymore.

COVID-19 Affecting Mental Health FAQs

How Does COVID-19 Affect Mental Health?

What Are Some Questions To Ask About Mental Health?

How Does COVID-19 Affect Mental Health Of Students?

It is good to be aware how covid 19 can affect your mental health. During times like this, the availability of nearby mental health services are essential to combat mental health problems and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Pandemic anxiety is one mental illness which is rampant covid 19 pandemic is pandemic anxiety which affects not only young adults but also older adults. It is essential to be aware of various mental health needs of the community that needs action from the government and health officials.

What Are The Strategies In Protecting Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic?

Government officials must impose strategies regarding public health since it is one of the major aspects that are affected during a pandemic. Issues regarding mental health impacts each of us differently. Some may tolerate and handle their problems easily, while others struggle. This is why mental health resources and mental health care must be accessible from those who experiences any kind of mental health illness during the pandemic. Health care workers are prone into having anxiety and depression symptoms and post traumatic stress disorder due to the nature of their work.

How To Maintain A Mentally Healthy Society Amidst COVID-19 Problems?

One way is by checking depression or any mental health symptoms of each one of us. Poor mental health can lead to unemployment, less energy, and more. Mental health care impact various aspects of one’s life which is why it is essential to maintain our minds healthy.

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Why Is Mental Health An Important Issue To Be Addressed?

Why is it important to be aware of mental health issues?
Just like how people give importance to physical health by administering disease control, emergency department visits, free check-ups, and physical fitness awareness, mental health is also something that needs more attention. Mental health conditions are as rampant as any physical conditions out there. Mental health symptoms may or may not be seen in the naked eye, but it is real and can be experienced by anyone. Cases of people who struggle from substance use, depressive disorder, anxiety, and more are being reported all around the globe. This is why mental health support is important, especially during times of a mental health crisis.
How do we live life taking care of our mental health and developing emotional intelligence?